Bürgerrat Klima:
A Citizens’ Assembly on Climate for Germany

Germany is a signatory to the Paris Agreement on climate protection and wants to contribute to limiting the global rise in temperature to 1.5 degrees centigrade. In order to reach this target, the German Bundestag passed a climate protection law in 2019. However, it is uncertain that Germany will be able to achieve its climate targets through this law alone.

Therefore, the first German Citizens’ Assembly on Climate was selected through a complex process in order to craft a path toward a climate-friendly way of living and doing business. In a non-partisan and open space, the 160 randomly selected citizens representing the whole of society discussed how Germany could meet its climate protection targets in a way that is fair to all. The assembly focussed on the four following topics: transportation, buildings, heat, energy production and food.

The patron of the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate was former German President Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler. An alliance of civil society organisations supported the project throughout its duration. The German Citizens’ Assembly on Climate was organised by BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz e.V.

The Citizens’ Assembly on Climate project was officially launched in December 2020 when Scientists for Future called for a broad, democratic and participatory involvement of the public in shaping and securing the future before the end of 2021.

During the coalition negotiations of the then new federal government of Germany, the Citizen’s Assembly made sure that the recommendations of the public were heard and taken into consideration.

The leading politicians were handed the final report of this Citizens’ climate assembly to take the talking points under consideration.


Together with Parat.cc we designed a holistic visual identity ranging from icon, wordmark and website to proper printed matter to create a striking and extensive social media campaign and with that, along with environmental graphics and the final Citizen’s Report, handed our work over to leading policy makers.

The sessions were digitized and were broadcasted online. We took care of the on-screen-designs.

Next to online-activity, offline events were held to discuss climate matters and German politics.


BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz e.V. (BBK)


Parat.cc, Studio Tillack Knöll

Studio Tillack Knöll is a multicreative design practice that concerns itself with the visual and spatial aspects of communication. We design exhibitions, wayfinding systems, books, visual identities and digital experiences for a variety of clients involved in architecture, art, science and commerce to cultural institutions and NGOs.