Ann-Kathrin Müller & Judith Engel—Das Signal:
A Co-Creational Project

Design and concept with/for Ann-Kathrin Müllers and Judith Engels “Das Signal”. The 80-page artist book was offset-printed and hand-bound as a Swiss brochure. Published by Edition Taube.

With her medium-format camera, Ann-Kathrin Müller takes us on a journey to a seemingly out-of-time seismological measuring station somewhere in eastern Germany. The black-and-white photographs, which show the interior of the station and the deserted surroundings, conjure up a diffusely haunting atmosphere.

Accompanied by Judith Engel’s short prose pieces, a patchy dialogue between images and texts emerges, blurring the lines between past and present, fact and fiction — completing this artist book. In the setting of this opaque world, “Das Signal” questions the unambiguity of purely rational and scientific worldviews, repeatedly encountering a phenomenon that accompanies both science and photography in their search for evidence: Blur.


Ann-Kathrin Müller & Judith Engel


Ann-Kathrin Müller, Judith Engel, Studio Tillack Knöll




Ann-Kathrin Müller


Studio Tillack Knöll is a multicreative design practice that concerns itself with the visual and spatial aspects of communication. We design exhibitions, wayfinding systems, books, visual identities and digital experiences for a variety of clients involved in architecture, art, science and commerce to cultural institutions and NGOs.